Freitag, 29. Oktober 2010


Beto Janz macht Kunst aus Skateboards. Hier zum Beispiel aus alten kaputten Decks Totenköpfe. Gefällt mir eigentlich recht gut auch wenn ich eher ein Freund von Deckaufdruckbildern bin. Die Flickr Page gibts hier und mehr über Beto gibts hier.

To promote the new space , designer Beto Janz customized used and broken decks, shape to produce skulls. These skulls have stickers with the brand and the new address of the store. They were left in streets near to the main skating rinks in the city of Curitiba, Brazil – for those who find and want catch it.

An underground way to spread the store.
“And a special thanks to the cop who took one of the decks for himself.”

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